Product Line-up

Yukimuro Coffee

It won the Gold Prize of 2013's Niigata Souvenirs Competition. It was nominated for "The Presents Selected by Secretaries" sponsored by Gurunavi in 2014. This is slightly deep baked blended coffee using Brazil Santos as basis, which is popular for its smooth texture and good drinkability. Low-temperature ripening helps to remove rough tastes and bitterness from coffee and makes it possible to enjoy a further mild taste, and both powder and drip types are provided. Yukimuro Coffee Premium Ice has trapped the delicacy tightly inside through skilled espresso extraction.

Yukimuro Coffee

Yukimuro Tea

After sleeping in the Yukimuro with more than 90% humidity, moisture content of all tea leaves are uniformed and it becomes easier to draw out the delicacy. There are many types of tea such as the highly fragrant and crystal clear "Echigo Bocha" produced by blending the baked Koshihikari rice from Niigata into the "bo-hojicha" (baked green tea) often drunk in Hokuriku region, the "Ice-temperature Ripening Yukimuro Green Tea" through ice-temperature ripening to increase its delicious contents while retaining the freshness, the "Yukimuro Rice Tea" made from delicious Niigata Koshihikari brown rice and matcha blended from green tea ripened in the "Yukimuro" to increase its flavor.

  • Yukimuro Tea
  • Yukimuro Tea
  • Yukimuro Tea
  • Yukimuro Tea
  • Yukimuro Tea
  • Yukimuro Tea

Ice-temperature Ripening Koshihikari Rice

The third temperature zone "ice temperature R" can draw out the delicacy. The -2 degree ice-temperature room can pull out the special flavor, sweetness, and sticky feeling of rice. Also, brown rice can be well stored in the perennial 80% humidity Yukimuro under 5 degrees due to the cold air made by 700 tons of snow. Since the environment is less stressful for the rice, its delicacy and freshness can be retrained.

Ice-temperature Ripening Koshihikari Rice

Yukimuro Ripening pork and Japanese Beef

After ripening in the "Yukimuro", the delicacy of high-quality beef and pork raised in snow country Niigata can be pulled out and this is called "Yukimuro Ripening Meat". Meat ripened in Yukimuro can increase its delicacy and becomes softer with the same freshness. Due to the high-humidity and low-temperature environment inside Yukimuro, meat suffers from no stress and loses little freshness in stable temperature. Then, the enzyme of meat will make the fresh become softer and the protein will also turn to the flavor component, amino acid when the ripening process slowly goes on.

Yukimuro Ripening pork and Japanese Beef

Yukimuro Stored Fish

Without the influence due to the fluctuations of light and vibration, delicacy of the ingredient condenses and produces even deeper tastes after ripening in the Yukimuro with more than 90% humidity.

Yukimuro Stored Fish

Yukimuro Stored Buckwheat

This is 100% Uonuma brown buckwheat naturally cultivated by ourselves using nutritious snowmelt from the snowy Uonuma. By restraining the degradation of freshness and taste through Yukimuro storage, brown buckwheat can be made into noodles using ground stone mills while it's still fresh. There are 2 kinds of products: "Snow Thaw Soba" using 20% wheatmeal and 80% Uonuma buckwheat flour, and "Snow Thaw Soba Funori" using the same ingredients as well as Echigo traditional funori filler. The non-additive, non-calorie, and decaffeinated large grain soba tea made through ancient "Entire grain baking method" using each whole grain is also popular.

Yukimuro Stored Buckwheat

Yukimuro Ripening Pure Soy Sauce

After slowly ripening in the Yukimuro, the soy sauce made from carefully selected raw materials becomes pure soy sauce with milder taste and gentle flavor. Microfiltration without heat treatment is carried out to remove microorganisms such as yeast. This pure soy sauce has retained the original rich aroma of mash. Filtered soy sauce will then be stored carefully in Yukimuro. Yukimuro storage maintains certain temperature and humidity and is rarely affected by light and vibration, so a mild taste with good salt balance and astonishing freshness.

Yukimuro Ripening Pure Soy Sauce and Soup

Yukimuro Ripening Vegetables

Including potatoes, radish, and carrots, vegetables ripened in Yukimuro tend to have a higher level of sugar due to the saccharification of starch. In particular, after ripening for 8 months, sugar degree of the Inka-no-mezame potato increases from 8 to 15, which goes up nearly twice (according to our research). Storage experiments have been carried out on various vegetables stored in Echigo-Yukimuroya, and achievements have been made.

Yukimuro Ripening Vegetables

Potage of Yukimuro Ripening Vegetables

Five kinds of vegetables ripened in Yukimuro are made into potage. Each potage of potato, sweet potato, onion, and carrot potage contains no additives or coloring.

Potage of Yukimuro Ripening Vegetables

Yukimuro Gelato

Echigo Yukimuro's popular foods, including Yukimuro Coffee, Echigo Bocha, Yukimuro Ripening Miso, Yukimuro Ripening Soy Sauce, Ice-temperature Ripening Koshihikari, Snow Thaw Soba, and Yukimuro Matcha have all been kneaded into the gelato. This unique lineup seems to be Japanese style taste but each one has its unexpectedness and makes you able to enjoy a taste of adults. Please enjoy the texture and aroma of this adults' gelato delivered from the snow country.

  • Yukimuro Gelato
  • Yukimuro Gelato
  • Yukimuro Gelato
  • Yukimuro Gelato

Castella and Donut of Echigo Yukimuroya

Crushed "Yukimuro Coffee" is kneaded in just as it is, and no other spice is used so as to make full use of the fragrance of coffee. These gently baked castella and donuts are handmade. The "Yukimuro Ripening Miso" flavor donut is also popular.

  • Castella and Donut of Echigo Yukimuroya
  • Castella and Donut of Echigo Yukimuroya
  • Castella and Donut of Echigo Yukimuroya
  • Castella and Donut of Echigo Yukimuroya

Echigo Yukimuroya's Rice Flour

New Niigata sticky rice is made into rice flour during the coldest period that is the most suitable, and then the rice flour is stored in the Yukimuro to restrain the degradation of its high quality so that it becomes possible to deliver at any time during the whole year. The "whiteness" and "freshness" of snow-room stored rice flour are overwhelmingly superior to that stored under room temperature, and its transparent whiteness and smooth texture make it famous.

Echigo Yukimuro's Rice Flour